Greetings, and welcome to the latest installment of Weekly Roundup! And by that, I mean, of course, Semi-Annual Roundup. That’s right: it’s back by popular demand, baby… again! Don’t worry: it’s the good kind of roundup, not the bad kind of Roundup™. Yes, I’m keeping that joke in here for Eternity because I hate Monsanto and the FDA.
Please, um, note that I do my best to take note of the notes I toss up on Substack so that I can either build them out into full-blown posts or toss them in a Roundup at some point. That said, I sometimes lose track of some gems as they get swept down the data stream, so if you aren’t also “following” me here, I humbly suggest doing so if you find any of these thought nuggies to be worth a read.
Let’s get them doggies rollin’ and take a trip down memory lane with some of my madcap musings that you (Yes, you!) may have missed, along with the often infuriatingly superior replies from fellow ‘Stackers like you (No not, you!) in their respective threads.
My Notes of note:
Let’s start on a positive note: I invented a new holiday!
As friend of humanity, PKD warned us: “To fight the Empire is to be infected by its derangement.” Oh, but if you laugh in its face and dance, darling…
The Party can’t party. Don’t let government squares try to tell you otherwise.
Should society protect us from hardship… or prepare us for it?
The T-Virus is both virulent and varied in its myriad, insidious mutations. I feel like this note is a prime candidate for getting “posterized”: the process by which a relatively inchoate idea begins as a mewling “note” before convincing me to nurture it into a full-fledged “post.” It contains two things I relish mashing together: pop culture and politics. The more I think about how Resident Evil’s T-Virus (Actually short for “Tyrant” in the game itself. How convenient.) is the perfect metaphor for socio-political tyranny, the more I’m convinced we need less Jill Stein and more Jill Valentine in politics.
The call it “programming” for a reason.
So how do we “deprogram” ourselves?
I found the perfect shitlib post! Truly, it is a masterpiece of Party pabulum and tendentious talking points.
I love Heathers, Fight Club, Scarface, and Batman movies more than the average guy, but even I have always found it funny when people’s takeaway from these films is that they should emulate characters whose maniacal, madcap exploits lead to terrible tragedy and ruin. But, as always, I have a theory why this occurs.
Still looking for this footage, btw. And still skeptical. Of the assassination. Of everything. Even my skepticism.
If you’ve spent any amount of time around online conservative or right-wing forums, I suspect you’ve encountered their favorite digital dick measuring contest and grand ol’ jollies-getter: the “Imagination Land Punishment Olympics!” The note below describes it perfectly, but I did forget to mention the real gold medalists like to go full “Righteous Right” religious Bible-thumper, pop a few BlueChews, grab the Hulk hands, and then ravage the midsection as they Kool-Aid Man into the chat to inform those sniveling, candy-ass, physical torture-types of all the truly hardcore horrible things God personally told them He is going to do to that filthy immigrant jaywalker’s very soul in the eternal flames of Perdition!
Speaking of things that will make the “Righteous Right” angry, I support people’s ability to end their own lives whenever they choose, and to avail themselves of medical assistance. Click to read more, but to spare you a few huffs and puffs, I do not support the State being involved in this, nor any unwelcome external compulsion on the individual or medical provider to partake in such an act.
Fat Dracula sent me a text message because he clearly didn’t read those last two notes.
Still hoping to open a holographic Teddy in a pack one of these days.
Seems Ol’ Billy Boy is at it again trying to poison the food supply.
But what about cholesterol?
Gotta catch ‘em all!
Ipse se nihil scire id unum sciat.
One of my biggest pet peeves as of late has to be the same morons who jubilantly lived on Twitter-X when it was a censoring, agitprop mouthpiece for the Uniparty cobbled together from paid accounts, government shills, and “bots” (organic and digital) programmed to quash free speech and proselytize Party pabulum about transanity and deadly, fake “vaccines” nooow incessantly virtue signaling about how much they just hate “the new Elon Twitter” while they oh-so-rebelliously stay on the site anyway so people can witness their Zero-World Problem, performative handwringing.1 I know we can debate how much better it has gotten since my boy Elon took over… but it sure as hell hasn’t gotten worse! Unless you are—sorry, but the term fits here—an actual woke, shitlib cultist.
Listen, I realize I am on an island in my defense, and nuanced appreciation, of Elon. I like him and am rooting for him. But pretty much every camp hates the guy now, so I get it from all sides haha. To quote Lobster Pete once again, “And, well, OK, fair enough!” Happy to disagree to agree. And to head off the Newmanoids, I am not saying some people don’t have legitimate grievances and valid concerns as well. In fact, if you are now wondering exactly what my take on Elon is, and how I arrived there, I would suggest reading my Enlightened Gatekeeper Trilogy. It’s all in there! The first installment was written before he even bought Twitter-X, and it is—excuse me—a damn fine trip with a lot of interesting detours along the way. Regardless, woke shitlibs complaining that their once-EV-climate-savior is now somehowBaphometHitler Satan ruining their beloved cesspool playground is one of the most infuriatingly idiotic and pathetic spectacles in an age of idiotic and pathetic spectacles.A couple fun language quotations inspired by the wonderful
.Luckily for me, the fact that the good Lord Cthulhu sees fit fill my brain with retarded ideas like this has kept me from becoming too much of an egotard.
Welcome to the parsimonious parlance of… the Omni-Industrial Complex!
The government is a corporation, stupidhead!
Don’t get me started on how to pronounce “AT-AT walker.”
Sympathy for the Devil, and running with scissors
As good friend of the program
pointed out, this entire note is one sentence, baby. And thanks to the fantastic for informing me that I may even have out-rambled John Stuart Mills here!Reminder that we are bombarded with false flags with real victims, and the real culprits rarely meet justice. October 7th was one example. So, was January 6th. And, of course, so was September 11th. Sooner or later they’ll fill the whole calendar.
What is the role of chemicals and thoughts? Are thoughts things?
I’m going to come clean: I do like my “Tennis Ball of Creativity” analogy, introduced here, but honestly I just wanted to an excuse to share one of my favorite comics of all time.
I revisited this presentation again the other day, and it still rocked me! If you haven’t checked it out yet, buckle up, bucko! (More Jordan Peterson voice!) because you are in for a ride.
Candy’s journalistic journey has been a sight to behold. In fact, I chronicled it brilliantly here, so give that a click too. I like her and am rooting for her. I think she has been doing great work for a while and is only getting better; she has now tanked “cancellation” and smears from both the Woke Left and the Woke Right and emerged more emboldened for it. She now exudes genuine “No fucks left to give!” joy and a liberated levity on her show, even as she kicks the doors in on increasingly controversial and sacrosanct orthodoxies. Case in point:
Double seriously though, the linked bit by ISMO is brilliant.
To quote the prophet James Hetfield: “You know it’s sad but true.”
When living in a cultocracy, it can behoove someone to understand how cults work.
Speaking of the Cult, this is one more reason why honesty should always be the highest ordeal: truth has a horrible way of asserting itself over time. (And, yes, I am aware of the discussion surrounding later numbers and final vote tallies.)
All credit to
for coming up with “Elm Street of the Heart”So dreamy!
So nightmarey! (It seems the original image I was referring to is no longer there, so here is a link to Helen of Soy. I suppose this one could be appropriate, as well.)
From JCVD to TMNT #neverforget
That’s all she wrote, folks! A reminder that you can peruse past Roundups here (at least on PC). And don’t forget to share everything I do far and wide with everyone ever. Have a great week… or until we meet again!
Neologism time! I actually kind of like this one: “Zero-World Problems,” problems so ridiculous as to be even less substantial than the pettiest of neurotic “First-World Problems.” Fleeting self- or societally fabricated phantasmagorias that exist largely to distract the individual or unify Party cultists. They’re not just “first-world;” they don’t exist in any world!
Everything here is amazing, but I'll never not laugh at the "so dreamy" interjection in your posts--after seeing it used for Alex Jones and Ben Shapiro, I can't take it seriously anymore. They really OH YEAHed my brain in this regard!
The thing is, that long sentence is actually way easier to understand than the stuff Mill wrote!