Everything here is amazing, but I'll never not laugh at the "so dreamy" interjection in your posts--after seeing it used for Alex Jones and Ben Shapiro, I can't take it seriously anymore. They really OH YEAHed my brain in this regard!

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Thank you for the kind words! You should see my Trapper Keeper with all the arrow-pierced heart doodles... around Tulsi, AJ, Elon, and Ben. So dreamy!💘 (Well, one of them is. I'll let you and the readers decide which one.)

And I've found not taking me seriously is the key to tolerating, let alone enjoying, my writing lol

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Being included in the weekly roundup (the good kind) begets kinder words, instead of my quippy remarks anyways! After going mad from the OH YEAH revelations, let’s just say that my contributions have switched from moderately “Kool” to complete AID(S)…

And you could likely write an entire article on the dreamy gang with Trapper Keeper pictures… but what if life itself is a dream?!

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The thing is, that long sentence is actually way easier to understand than the stuff Mill wrote!

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Hahaha! That maaaaay be damning with faint praise, but by Jove, I'll take it! :D

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Actually, I think you have pulled off quite an impressive feat.

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I appreciate that. I do think I may have found my upper limit for how many words I can string together into a single sentence while retaining some shred of comprehensibility. "So I got that going for me."

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I think that is worth at least 17 minutes of fame.

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Nov 21
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Nailed it in the first four words!

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