haha! I have to credit to Daily Wire's Michael Knowles for being where I first saw that. I really wish I could take credit for it as I am chuckling about it even now as I type this :D
You are correct that the consumer still wields the power of choice and the dollar, but as i have said many times, the window on those two is being closed quickly. The arrival of CBDC (and it will come) will herald your complete loss of choice and ability to fight back against these types of corporatized social engineering. The digital dollars, in your digital wallet will be allotted for specific products, from specific companies (which will be stakeholders in the public private partnership) and will come with expiration dates. "Use your budlight credits by Mar 31 or lose them".
Getting back on track here... you (general consumer more so than the author) need to understand two things:
1. Manipulating the masses/consumers has long historic and successful roots. It was so successful that it spawned an industry that spends millions refining their craft, to make Billions from manipulating your buying choices. To understand what I'm talking about search for Edward Bernays (the father of modern advertising/propaganda) . Also search for "Torches of freedom". This was one of Bernays first corporate manipulation campaigns and illustrates just how controllable the common man is.
You and I have been indoctrinated and groomed as consumers for generations. Brand loyalty, buying habits and product addictions have been passed form parent to child for decades.
Bottom-line: They know consumers are like cattle, that can be led anywhere, with consistent and expert pushes and nudges.
2. The reason your boycotts never work is you never fight to win. You, you're pundit leaders and others always stop short, just after you get the "gee guys, we're really sorry about that...now come on in and take advantage of our black Friday Monday sale...all smart TV's are 50% off".
Understand what stopping short tells these companies - They hear you shout and scream that either what they are doing/pushing is tearing our society apart, or is grooming, sexualizing, harming our kids and you won't stand for it any longer - so the most important thing in the world (at that time) for you and your mob. Then they see you turn around and go home, once you get a patronizing and contrived '"sorry", it get's to uncomfortable, takes to long or the news cycle shifts to distract you in 10 other directions. So all they have to do is wait...say sorry....shift their marketing (because your stupid enough to fall for it)....and offer a sale.
If you notice, the Bud Light Brand partnered with the UFC', so they are back in with the high testosterone crowd. Smart move, because those UFC fans aren't going to boycott that sport over their distaste of Bud light's political actions. Remember, the BLM banners, ribbons and branding in the NFL and NBA...think that was by accident???
So you tell them we're pissed off and serious about this issue and putting a stop to it...to a point.
Where are the protests and street marches to shut down Inbev...because that is who you really should be going after. No protests and rallies to bankrupt Target going on, that I see or hear about and I've seen no stories of their stores closing because of falling sales.
So like a whining adolescent pushing back against a bed time directive, you are ineffectual, unorganized and your resolves hinges on a quick and/or easy in-the-moment outcome...."ok bobby you can stay up 10 more minutes".
Until you show these companies and by extension your government (gee there's a concept), that you will fight to the end, these companies will continue to push the agendas of the regime and do their social engineering bidding.
I sincerely appreciate the kind words and the well considered reply. You hit on a lot of valuable points. I actually reference Bernays quite a bit in another article that I believe you (or whoever is strolling through the comments here :) would really enjoy: https://honestlyre.substack.com/p/do-your-own-research
In some ways, it really is a culmination of my own research on the events that have unfolded recently, and I hope it serves as a useful reference and resource to others on their journey.
The whole trans issue is pretty ironic. How can somebody support women's rights without acknowledging their biological existence? Beer brands are famous for their hot bikini-clad women. Why would Bud Light put a trans dude in their marketing? Doesn't fit at all. But whatever, not worth losing sleep over, right? Another fun article, thanks!
Trans-heuser Busch. Awesome.
haha! I have to credit to Daily Wire's Michael Knowles for being where I first saw that. I really wish I could take credit for it as I am chuckling about it even now as I type this :D
Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD:
Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE: Policy To Biology™ – Trans, Low T, PTSD & More . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Otji8L3XZrQ
NATO = North Atlantic Transgender Organization
Well said and laid out.
You are correct that the consumer still wields the power of choice and the dollar, but as i have said many times, the window on those two is being closed quickly. The arrival of CBDC (and it will come) will herald your complete loss of choice and ability to fight back against these types of corporatized social engineering. The digital dollars, in your digital wallet will be allotted for specific products, from specific companies (which will be stakeholders in the public private partnership) and will come with expiration dates. "Use your budlight credits by Mar 31 or lose them".
Getting back on track here... you (general consumer more so than the author) need to understand two things:
1. Manipulating the masses/consumers has long historic and successful roots. It was so successful that it spawned an industry that spends millions refining their craft, to make Billions from manipulating your buying choices. To understand what I'm talking about search for Edward Bernays (the father of modern advertising/propaganda) . Also search for "Torches of freedom". This was one of Bernays first corporate manipulation campaigns and illustrates just how controllable the common man is.
You and I have been indoctrinated and groomed as consumers for generations. Brand loyalty, buying habits and product addictions have been passed form parent to child for decades.
Bottom-line: They know consumers are like cattle, that can be led anywhere, with consistent and expert pushes and nudges.
2. The reason your boycotts never work is you never fight to win. You, you're pundit leaders and others always stop short, just after you get the "gee guys, we're really sorry about that...now come on in and take advantage of our black Friday Monday sale...all smart TV's are 50% off".
Understand what stopping short tells these companies - They hear you shout and scream that either what they are doing/pushing is tearing our society apart, or is grooming, sexualizing, harming our kids and you won't stand for it any longer - so the most important thing in the world (at that time) for you and your mob. Then they see you turn around and go home, once you get a patronizing and contrived '"sorry", it get's to uncomfortable, takes to long or the news cycle shifts to distract you in 10 other directions. So all they have to do is wait...say sorry....shift their marketing (because your stupid enough to fall for it)....and offer a sale.
If you notice, the Bud Light Brand partnered with the UFC', so they are back in with the high testosterone crowd. Smart move, because those UFC fans aren't going to boycott that sport over their distaste of Bud light's political actions. Remember, the BLM banners, ribbons and branding in the NFL and NBA...think that was by accident???
So you tell them we're pissed off and serious about this issue and putting a stop to it...to a point.
Where are the protests and street marches to shut down Inbev...because that is who you really should be going after. No protests and rallies to bankrupt Target going on, that I see or hear about and I've seen no stories of their stores closing because of falling sales.
So like a whining adolescent pushing back against a bed time directive, you are ineffectual, unorganized and your resolves hinges on a quick and/or easy in-the-moment outcome...."ok bobby you can stay up 10 more minutes".
Until you show these companies and by extension your government (gee there's a concept), that you will fight to the end, these companies will continue to push the agendas of the regime and do their social engineering bidding.
I sincerely appreciate the kind words and the well considered reply. You hit on a lot of valuable points. I actually reference Bernays quite a bit in another article that I believe you (or whoever is strolling through the comments here :) would really enjoy: https://honestlyre.substack.com/p/do-your-own-research
In some ways, it really is a culmination of my own research on the events that have unfolded recently, and I hope it serves as a useful reference and resource to others on their journey.
Much appreciated, I'll have a look at that link as well.
Kennedy-Gabbard 2024. "The journey itself is the destination."
I'm making it up.
I grow vegetables and am heading out for a bike ride.
This is a moment of inflection in history, like 1967-1968.
The future is not determined. Momentum is spent.
Do your best and die without regrets.
:-) Have a nice day.
I love that ticket!
Put it out there.
They both spoke recently at the Bitcoin convention in Florida.
Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD:
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Government Frontmen & Fake Fighters: Musk & Kennedy . . . https://cwspangle.substack.com/i/119890980/drshiva-live-government-frontmen-and-fake-fighters-musk-and-kennedy
The whole trans issue is pretty ironic. How can somebody support women's rights without acknowledging their biological existence? Beer brands are famous for their hot bikini-clad women. Why would Bud Light put a trans dude in their marketing? Doesn't fit at all. But whatever, not worth losing sleep over, right? Another fun article, thanks!