What if we're all wrong about dark energy? I would also posit that the hallucinations brought on by periods of isolation would have more to do with ingesting Hallucinogenic substances like micro dosing moms that finally say eff it give me that heros dose and aren't experienced psynaughts and other such silly questions I have about that lol. The acceptance loop can spur enough friction to go supernova though and birth something magnificent, with whatever unacceptable thing being the binary catalyst. Musing here but lots to chew on in this. 🙂🔥

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Great comment!

As for dark energy, between you and me, I actually do think that it is wrong, namely that it doesn't exist at all haha (which is why we can't detect it! Surprise!) and was just a convenient/desperate ad hoc attempt to patch a convenient mathematical thought-experiment onto the quickly sinking mainstream cosmological model haha. (Cue Eddie Bravo pod / X-Files opening theme lol) Jokes aside, I'm actually pretty surprised how many hits I turn up lately from mainstream sites all but admitting as much and basically throwing in the towel on the dark matter/dark energy hypothesis. Regardless, I do still love it as a thought-experiment and a metaphor, so I borrowed it with a bit of poetic license here to that end. I think "hard science" terms make for great analogies for psycho-emotional behavioral "laws." And it's fun! :D

Various hallucinatory phenomenon occurring as a result of sense-dep though is definitely real and extremely well documented, even without 'shrooms haha. (And much cheaper!) Check out the Ganzfield Effect, for instance. I've experienced similar things myself. Now, what exactly we are "perceiving" that we *call* hallucinations, and what exactly is *real* is certainly a topic in and of itself.

I am very intrigued by your idea of an acceptance loop causing "friction" that in turn supernovas into something! Seriously, that is a very cool theory, and I think you're on to something there--a kind of emotional/intellectual ether within which this process takes place so that each iteration is not in a frictionless vacuum but instead a field where each loop through (catalyzed by the "unacceptable thing") is incrementally building a friction-based charge until the eventual supernova threshold is reached. In fact, that could be the generator/power source of the entire process with that "supernova" being the propulsion into subsequent Phases, particularly the "creative" Phases 4 and 5! You've given me a lot to think about. I'll have to muse some more as well...

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I want to go into Walter Bishops sensory dep tank so bad. I don't have the attention span for breathing myself into it lol. 😁 What is dark matter and energy are actually the positive and everything else is the negative excrement. Having gone supernova quite a few times myself I think that I refuse to accept some things that are just unacceptable and think that line of thinking is a roll over and die mantra of accept the unacceptable, blame yourself theosophy that churned the self help realm into existence from post Enlightenment Bavaria as a way to just get caught up in accepting that more powerful people are just going to get away with things they absolutely should not be allowed to. Update. I have quit playing any game theory based games including life as I quit. I'm working on becoming Diogenes. 🤣😁 Imagine me saying in my best Chappelle impression I quit bitches. I loved your Calvin and Hobbs insert re the chattel making serenity prayer. Lol..I am fully aware of my own ridiculousness with this comment. I've had some interesting f2f convos re thermaldynamics recently and I keep coming back to just wanting to keep my consciousness in tack but say adieu to the world of mine goodbye. It has nothing to do with anything but my own foolish nature and sick of integrating my shadow bc I've found it all to be pointless. Wait have I gone full nihilist lol. Why care meh. 🤣

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Whew, can I ever relate to this! Interesting theories about dark matter/energy, as well as the role of theosophy. Nice Fringe ref too. And I actually used to have a Twitter account called Diogenes' Dog haha

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I think AA and NA is a scam that has roots in theosophy. I also have Masons in my family and have a people can believe whatever they want just don't tread on me. I personally don't need 12 steps to stay sober or clean bc I'm simply too old for that ish Riggs but meh if it works for some cool it is just kind of a cult.

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"Too old for that ish" has proven a successful remedy for many an ail! haha

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frankly, i am not convinced it exists. there is an ancient echo of a concept that it resembles (modern science does this a lot, they just change the name) called the void.

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Like before the big bang and travels faster than cosmic background radiation and force is behind it?

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it is hard to explain...its like a ripple in reality, of unaware energy that acts maliciously, like that Macrobes in C.S, Lewis's Space trilogy. a not life, jealous of life for existing. that is a terrible description. i will have to think on it ....

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This is fascinating and very well presented. Digesting ...

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Thank you! it means a lot, especially coming from a master of presenting fascinating concepts such as yourself. It is a somewhat inchoate work-in-progress, but I found it intriguing enough to push out here in case others found it interesting too and maybe even wanted to share their views as well. After digesting, of course :)

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Flattery will get you everywhere, LOL. I like to take models like this in and see if they connect/resonate with my inner architecture, and then see if any new structures come of that. But I have to admit I'm not in a very left-brain mode at the moment with my focus shifting over to building up my music output ... That said, who knows ...

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Haha! I just call em like I see em, my friend. I like your approach to models and resonance, as well. Maybe I'm biased though since it is quite like my own lol

And you're doing great work! And if the muses (probably Euterpe) say get with the music-making, then by all means run with it :D Looking forward to the new album!

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Thanks, my friend! Yeah, I just spent the past however many months outlining the World Cult, a tedious affair with little thanks, and the experience left me a little in need of a creative spark. Here's the album BTW if anyone's interested in giving it a listen here on Substack ... https://solluckman.substack.com/p/rock-out-to-sol-luckmans-debut-album

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That rocks! Definitely can't wait to hear more♫ The world needs "enlightentaining" music now more than ever. Man, I miss bands like The Clash and The Talking Heads and Crass.

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Thanks so much! Hear, hear!

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"Penrose believes information can persist into this “new” iteration of the cosmos. "

Memory cannot exist without a mechanism to use energy to error-correct for the inevitable randomness introduced by the universe outside the memory storage area. The mechanism would be destroyed in a collapse and rebirth of the cosmos, so no memory can persist past that collapse.

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Thank you for the comment! You could well be right, but if I understand correctly it seems you and I disagree on this speculative point, as I concur with Penrose that it is possible. Of course, I am only referencing him here briefly (and somewhat obliquely), so if you haven't read his thoughts on the matter, he obviously expounds upon them faaaar better than I ever could.

Either way, I am curious: could you elaborate a bit? For example, what do you mean by "mechanism?" What suggests that such a thing would be destroyed necessarily? Could it be a matter of meta-levels--background cosmic consciousness, if you will--similar to waking from a dream where memory survives essentially a reality vacuum metastability event when the dream reality evaporates? Do you place any credence in a Jungian Collective Unconscious or something like an Akashic Records? Are you suggesting memory and information are the same, or that memory is a form of information? Would the manipulation of either require energy? I ask that because I'm remined of the relativity notion of gravity-as-distortion versus gravity-as-force, despite its previous Newtonian classification and apparent impact on the physical, observable world. Regarding space, we have also seen data "storage" moved from conventional, physical media to etheric "clouds." Unconventional analogies, but if you made it through this whole article you know that is kind of the fun haha

A lot of questions! And those are just the tip of the iceberg! I ask because I am not certain I agree with several of the framework/presuppositions there, e.g., inevitable randomness precluding underlying, fractal organization (i.e., Chaos Theory), storage area being relevant in a realm "outside" of conventional space-time, and a few other points, but I am always interested in refining my understanding and appreciate your thoughts on the matter... or energy :D

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Yes, I suggest that memory and information are the same. All memory is an arrangement of matter, a form. When you write something down on paper, or when you write it in your head, you are simply copying information.

But to transport information from now to later is the same as transporting it from here to there. The same laws of entropy apply, and must be accounted for if the information is to be transmitted with fidelity. To undo the noise which invariably creeps in requires energy. This implies mechanism. Mechanisms do not survive things like the collapse of the cosmos.

Do you know of any way for memory to persist aside from an arrangement of matter? Maybe there is some way, but I don't see it. Thanks.

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Thanks once again, Patrick, this time for the thoughtful reply. It's a huge topic! haha And I really like the way you frame "transporting" information from "now to later" as the same as from "here to there." That is a cool way of putting it!

I think one major, fundamental difference right off the bat on how we are approaching this could be that I do not believe in "matter," per se. For some context, even though this is nothing new to religious, philosophical, and theosophical schools--and I make no bones about holding a decidedly metaphysical, decidedly not materialist view overall--I'd dare say since at least the early 20th century (certainly since the rise of quantum theory) this is not a particularly radical notion even in "mainstream" scientific circles (though in many ways, even there, it could be seen as a throwback to the ancient Platonic scientific precepts). Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose!

For example, as ol' Max "Quanta" Planck said in his speech in Florence in '44: "As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter."

Mind--and thus memory, one might posit--supersedes what we perceive or label as "matter." Or, as the late, great Bill Hicks put it:


So, I am afraid I do not share your premise that memory is an arrangement of matter.

Not to just dump a bunch of links haha, but I actually came across this article recently and found it extremely interesting regarding the brain and memory storage:


I'm not claiming that article (or anything I'm sharing) is some silver bullet to win anyone over to a matterless world view haha. That last article, in particular, seems more intent on asserting that memory is indeed stored... just not where we thought, while building a sort of Ship of Theseus conundrum from the planks of ever-emerging, ever-senescing biological constructs, but nonetheless I still found it very interesting despite my personal view that they aren't thinking far enough outside the box--or the body in this case :D

Tegmark's ideas around "informational reality" or a "mathematical universe" are interesting too, on the science/math side of things expressing information as a higher order than "matter." In a metaphysical sense, I quite like Neville Goddard's view of reality. There are also plenty of well documented stories of people remembering past lives, for example, that would transcend a conventional materialist view of memory storage. Some of the work of Stevenson and Haraldsson, for example. Quantum Entanglement also defies mundane physical--and even temporal--models of information storage and transmission. And when it comes to information, instead of specifically memory for a moment, one could question what is inspiration? "Where" do ideas come from? That is why I was curious about your thoughts on things like a Collective Unconscious or an Akashic Record. Now, I don't begrudge people who might say it is all simply chemical reactions or uniquely fired-off sequences of neurons across synapses, so I can only hope they don't begrudge me for believing otherwise haha. And jumping back to Goddard and the reality topic for a moment, when we start to investigate the existence of matter and energy, we naturally find ourselves wading out into the deeper, ontological/epistemological waters of what is "real" at all then, e.g., what constitutes "information" vs. "noise" vis-à-vis a subjective consciousness acting as perceiver/decoder/interpreter of a signal or phenomenon? Whew, I figure that is a whoooole other article or ten that we could both write! Discussion of memory strikes me as intrinsically linked to both of the two great bugaboos of science and philosophy: consciousness and time.

Anyway, it isn't my intent to be pedantic or contentious here; I am sincere in my belief that these differences matter, no pun intended, at this level of analysis and in my attempt to answer you in good-faith.

Even if we were, hypothetically, to agree for a moment that matter is just a name for slowly vibrating energy, and then reframe the discussion around an arrangement of "energy," I still am not convinced that A) energy as conceived of in a physical, time-space construct is required for the persistence of information or B) if it is, such necessary energy could not "survive" a cosmic collapse or aeon shift.

I must admit, I'm a bit pleased with myself here as I just went back to try and find some of Penrose's own work on this subject, since ol' Roger started all this, and it turns out that my spitballing regarding "background cosmic consciousness" was surprisingly apt (for a change!). Penrose and his colleague actually do posit the "cosmic microwave background" as being a possible "mechanism," if I may borrow the term, for encoding information over into a new aeon. The link to one the relevant papers is quite long, so I'll just tack it on at the end here, in case you want to go give it a read.

Anyway, I've gone one long enough ha! This universe may actually reach heat death before I finish responding at this point, and then we'd be there to see if Penrose was right for ourselves lol. It can be tough reading into written comments, again no pun intended, so I wanted to reiterate my thanks for you taking the time to read and comment here. At the end of the day, I am happy to agree to disagree be that the case, and my lengthy response is only because I genuinely find this stuff very interesting and am trying to do justice to some of the ideas generated by the enjoyable discussion, wherever those ideas may have come from haha


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Yes, it seems that memory might be encoded in RNA, but that is again just the arrangement of matter to reflect the thing remembered.

What I really don't understand is consciousness. Maybe it does somehow create matter. But how could you objectively prove that subjective experience?

The dual-slit experiment seems to show that observation itself influences reality.


But even there, I'm not certain. It seems that absorbing a photon (observation) influences the particles traveling through the slit. That is physically plausible without bringing consciousness into it.

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I think it must be mostly energy, like light. Light is used in fiber optic cables to store information....

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Feb 13, 2024
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Dithering! You're bringing me back to my wannabe-musician days spending hours on end clicking around in Fruity Loops and other synth programs as I sequenced out the world's next great techno song haha

That is a fantastic analogy for Chaos Theory. I'm going to borrow that if you don't mind. And I'm also going to be sure to use it when I remaster my records :)

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I see I wasn't the only one piddling with Fruity Loops in 00 trying to make the next great DnB tune. 🙂

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What!? That's awesome! l'd love to hear your songs. FL Studio was MY JAM haha. I never did really figure it out though; most of my songs sounded like I made 'em in Mario Paint:


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I sucked. I gave up and left it in a computer somewhere in 00 during my drum n bass days. My friend was a dj and it was something to do. I'd do the equivalent of balling up a piece of paper and throw it in the bin. I think the world's probably a better place that I couldn't get into it lol

Edit: just listened to it and you are way better at FL than I ever could have been. It was good. My dribble was not fit for uploading. 😁

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Feb 14, 2024
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Whoa you totally blew my mind with that distilled water trick! I will absolutely give that a try. And I'll check out Audio Hijack as well. Thank you very much for the protips and the link!

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Nothing beats Vinyl....

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Feb 24, 2024
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Cool! I have no idea that that means. I used to own a reel to reel. musician.

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Feb 24, 2024
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Feb 24, 2024
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No, i just love it forever. I love the background noise. Old duke Ellington...to Zepplin.

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Feb 24, 2024
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Feb 24, 2024
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Feb 13, 2024
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Yesssss now we're talking!

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perhaps by some global trauma, or a gene therapy, if that data is stored there, in the blood.

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Feb 24, 2024
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thanks ! this is interesting!

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