“ My favorite example of this, by far, is the curious case of Bobby “Iceman” Drake of the X-Men. Despite there being zero indication that Bobby was gay since his first appearance way back in the original, 1963 X-Men #1 (regardless of what some cope posts will try to sell you), the hairless hack Brian Michael Bendis decided to make Bobby gay anyway in 2015’s copy-pasta paneled All New X-Men #40.”

Why don’t these guys and gals just write their own stories? Why do they hijack stories already written and popular and try to change the characters to gay personalities? Do they not have their own good stories?

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Exactly! That is the annoying part haha :D

But I think we both know the answer to your question: these people really do not have any new ideas. These are not creative people, at least in a literary sense, which is perfectly fine, but then they shouldn't be thrust into these creative roles and given carte blanche and endless encomium to simply wokewash the work of others. It is lazy and boring, irks people who already liked the characters as they were, and does a disservice to gay/lesbian/bi readers as well by telling them to be happy with hastily retconned hand-me-downs. Yet, sadly, subversion and offense--not creativity and inspiration--is the goal with this current crop of writers, and they aren't doing aaaaanyone any favors that way.

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I got this: in Jean Gray’s narcissistic world think, the only reason that any guy wouldn’t want to hook up with her must be because he’s gay. She was always Dark Phoenix, I tell you. …also she’s super hot and comic book me always wanted to hook up with her.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Author

Hahahaha! This is the BEST explanation. Jean was just being a petty narcissist gaslighting Bobby into thinking he's gay because she can't accept a boy doesn't think she's cute.

But yeah I agree Jean was super hot (fitting for a firey phoenix, I suppose) and one of the reasons (along with Nicole Kidman and Louise Robey) why I loved redheads.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by Apollo's Lyre

I apologize, I was trying to post a pic and Substack won’t let me do it or delete the post.

God is this platform glitchy.

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Haha no worries at all, my friend. I just assumed you'd been inspired to show us your colon! And I, too, have had many an issue with Substack--especially the app!--that have been so exasperating I eventually just gave up on that particular note or comment lol

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Jul 1Liked by Apollo's Lyre

A fine list, and it doesn't surprise me that Bob Glover tops (pun intended) it. I'm going to do my best to think of some to add to it, though one which springs to mind for me is Omar Little from The Wire. Though technically a criminal, he only robs and hurts drug dealers, and manages to be quite eloquent in so doing. He's gay, but that's rarely what people think of when they think of him. They usually remember his sawed-off shotgun and the creepy whistling he does to let his quarry know he's on the hunt.

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Thank you! Preacher's own Saddam Hopper may think he "dicks them all," but the top spot was always going to my man Bob. He is truly one of a kind. An American original... Yorkshire man... written by a drunken Irishman. And where would Freddy be without Bob's "trademark fast-talkin' banter" after all?

I knew you'd appreciate seeing him and Yurimaru making appearances.

Omar is a great addition to the list! Amazing (and badass) character and as you rightly point out, not even an obvious candidate because he has so many interesting traits and storylines and isn't relegated to some one-note cardboard cutout.

I'd also add the entire cast of "300." And I mean cast; obviously the characters are gay and awesome--they're Greek--but Gerard Butler? Michael Fassbender? Gay and awesome!

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Apollo's Lyre

What about video games? Do you remember games in the '90s and '00s?

Classic Western RPGs

New Companion NPC: “Hi my name is _”

PC: “What can you tell me about yourself?”

New Companion NPC: “Here are my likes, hobbies, and goals.”

PC: “What’s your backstory?”

New Companion NPC: “It feels weird to tell you my whole life story. How about we get to know each other a little first?”

PC: “Sure!”

(several gameplay hours later)

PC: “Oh you’re gay?”

New Companion NPC: “Yeah, I guess it just never came up till now with all the action and adventure. Plus, it feels weird to talk about your sexuality with someone you just met.

PC: “Okay, cool.”

Gamers: “Yeah, I brought her along with me for almost the whole campaign.”


Modern Western RPGs:

New Companion NPC: "Hi I'm gay!"

PC: "Okay, is there anything else to you?"

New Companion NPC: "I have an in-depth backstory entirely related to my sexuality!"

PC: "Do you have any likes, hobbies, or goals?"

New Companion NPC: "They are all things I hate or related to my sexuality!"

PC: "Yeah, I'm bringing along someone else."

Twitter: "OMG! People are such bigots for not liking this flat and annoying character!"

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Perfect examples. Absolutley nailed it; I could not agree more. Don't even get me started on gaming haha! That industry (and the laughable "gAmEz JourNaLizM" crowd) is overrun with that kind of echo chamber nonsense. Along with film, tv, really the entire entertainment industrial complex...

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It must piss them off no end when someone as revered as Morgan Freeman says the quiet part out loud. Great article, as always.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Apollo's Lyre

Turns out I'm not gay.

I remember seeing Scent of a Woman and thinking, wow, that movie sucked. Pacino plays the tough ex-colonel who despite his physical blindness manages to intimidate the school where his nephew attended, or some bollocks like that. Then in the end there's some kind of recognition you don't get everything in this life though force. I remember thinking, actually that should have been not the end of the movie but rather the inciting incident in a truly interesting story... not Pacino's fault obviously... the cesspool of Hollywood and their obsession with the anti-hero, as it that's the only kind of hero that could exist....

Likewise in my own life at some point there was an undramatic story of realizing actually no, I'm not gay. Even admitting some attraction to some men of some types, still it continues to seem really fishy to formalize it into an identity, for myself at least.

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Jul 3Liked by Apollo's Lyre

Pride comes before the fall..🔥

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Apollo's Lyre

"Maybe writers should show a little pride in their work." Lol.

How revealing that they had to tell Bobby he was gay. Sounds like the way it always works/usually . . . Also, notice the truth drop in him not "always" having been, that way.

If you're down for some true boundary-pushing, which is not a virtue in itself, of course, James True had a wonderful stream/radio show, last night, where he talked about appreciating Pride Month for its sort of metaphysical opportunities. This is the kind of stuff that draws people to dislike this guy, but it is always interesting, especially from someone who says very not-Pride-friendly stuff: https://www.youtube.com/live/MNffTwoO9KQ?si=Vk1ZZA0hDC1-r9v_&t=5875 (timestamped).

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Author

I'm glad someone got a kick out of my little parting jab "pride" pun there haha. You made my day there, Matt.

And that podcast you linked looks very interesting indeed. I only listened to a little bit before realizing I wanted to give it my full attention, so I will definitely come back to it once I can set aside the time. Can't wait!

Thanks again!

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Haha, no obligation, I tend to be reluctant to drop a long one like that on people. It’s basically just the few minutes after the timestamp.

And I wondered if you meant that. If not, that would have been miraculous unconscious joking, lol. It’s nice to see a still-critical but sincere look at Pride to end the Month.

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We have to take back the rainbow....Make Rainbows Divine Again!

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Like Johnny Cash sings in his song Man in Black: I'd love to wear a rainbow every day...

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No man is innately gay. Gayness is just an acquired vice, like alcoholism or heroin addiction. Nothing to be proud of.

I do think some women are innately lesbians though. At least it's evolutionarily plausible, since women didn't have much choice about getting pregnant. But there is no plausible way for innate exclusive male homosexuality to evolve. Evolution would stomp it out instantly.

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Yes if you are the one giving and not receiving you aren’t gay

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Men will fuck sheep if left alone with them. That does not make men innately attracted to sheep.

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I won't. If I was alone40 yrs

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OK, _some_ men will fuck sheep. Just saying that it helps to prove that no man was born with the desire to fuck other men.

They were almost all converted as boys by homo-pedophiles, though some in prison, the army, or other such situations. Or maybe just to be transgressive. It's purely an ancient vice, nothing to be proud about.

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Time for me to go throw up my breakfast.

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Catholic Church: June is Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Of course, Rome has lost the Faith, prophesied long ago.

There crimes are unspeakable.


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I can remember when some prudes in the capitol though Mad magazine should be banned. Like every sane person, I despise the fact that every television show, every movie, and, it appears, many comic books now insist on indoctrinating people to believe nothing exists except perversion. How I miss Mr. Natural. He was, possibly a sex addict, but not a homo. And he did so many funny things!

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Communists and freemasons used "freedom" of religion and speech to nearly destroy society.

We have not had Catholics in Rome in decades the Index is still in effect


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Show me how the Freemasons have "nearly destroy(ed) society" and explain to the Pope that there have been no Catholics in Rome for decades.

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This is PT by PT by commies. Freemasons have similar one.

They have worked their plan.

Mar 2020 Covid - they put it on display.

But! Catholic Church will put them down.

Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph.

She said, Fatima.

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Why Catholic Church? Because we are only one on earth that can defeat these satanic groups

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Roncalli was a freemason, First false pope of 6 that set out to destroy Church.

Actually they are destroying souls.

Catholic Church is outside all this- they created a new church that almost everyone on face of earth b believes is Catholic Church.

Great deception. Great apostasy. Great chastisement.

Commies and freemasons have list of their point by point plan to destroy rest of society..

One more on commies


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They spelled out there plan to coopt Papacy

Destroy Monarchies.


This is on list with many explanations of sedevacantism. (The Chair of Peter is empty


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You are free to be a Catholic. I am a Deist and I think any attempt to take down the Catholic Church is good.

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Btw, non Catholics have “the License” to be a non Catholic.

They have no right to be in such false religions, Arms of Damnation.

Error has no rights.

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When we get a Pope we will convert the world.

We will convince tragic cases like yours that unbelievable irrefutable evidence, Jesus is God, And He founded a church Catholic Church. That would last to end of time, and be a sure guide to Heaven.

Today, I start a Novena to Mother of Sorrows She concerts you to Catholic Church.

Remember, it's Not Church of Francis. Catholic Church is in eclipse.


Btw, the world hates the Catholic Church and has gone to extraordinary lengths to Destroy us. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

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Let us simply agree to disagree. I am of the belief that the Catholic church has been evil since its beginning. Most of the traditions and costumes are identical to other pagan religions thoughout history. The Sabbath will always be Saturday. In fact, in many nations Saturday is called Sabbath. Then, we have the obvious comparisons of the Virgin Mary and Jesus following in the footsteps of Isis and Horus. I have a deep faith in God - just not the God you worship. No hard feelings.

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