Nicely done.

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Thank you!

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Thanks! Reading this nearly a week post-Easter is really thought provoking. Now, with hindsight we have some reason to be concerned that the Easter Bunny is actually running the country. The “leaders” I’ve secretly named Uncle Frizzle and Aunt Fritz seem kind of terrified of this Apparition in a bunny costume. Imagine that!

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Haha! So true! Had I only known the true eminence gris behind the systematic implosion of America would be revealed to be the none other than our old friend the Easter Bunny--frantically waving at Sleepy Joe to stop rambling about Afghanistan--I would have approached this differently.

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This Capitalist Atheist stopped "celebrating" the meaningless consumerist Western "holiday" traditions long, long ago. The problem, of course, is family, especially my wonderful Christian members (and I mean "wonderful" sincerely: Christians tend to be happy, live-and-let-live, small-govt. types, as opposed to the typical Statist Atheist, who is an absolute boor to be around).

Your problem, M. Lyre, was much more intractable than mine, as it was imposed on you (I assume) by career imperative, so you can imagine my sympathy, if not empathy.

Then there is my wonderful (again sincerely) wife, a fellow Capitalist Athiest who nonetheless considers the mass (hey, I pun!) traditions to be a very important part of society, especially for the upbringing of Western skulls-full-of-mush. Right. Replace mush with new mush. A strategy of sorts, I suppose, to get the young peeps to rebel in search of meaning?

You write so well, M. Lyre, that I envy your Japanese charges.

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Great observations about the inclinations of many modern Christians and atheists. I think you may well be right about the mush-for-mush drive to quest for meaning. And your response was brilliantly written; I envy your ability, good sir!

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