Speaking as a lefty who is perhaps more neutral on guns than many of my brethren, I have some thoughts about this. I personally dislike the idea of taking stuff away from law-abiding citizens because of the actions of guilty people. That said, even putting aside the recent mass-shooting craze, we have a problem in this country with gun violence that simply doesn't exist anywhere else in the developed world. Certainly that's true in countries where guns are illegal or more highly restricted, but even countries where guns are more legal and prevalent, we're still leaps and bounds above them. So what does that suggest? To me, guns may exacerbate the problem but they are not the source. Much gun violence relates to crime, both random and organized, and we tend to have much more of that than most developed nations too. I'm no expert on where crime comes from, but I would say these aspects are linked.
As for mass shootings and such, I would again say that guns might make them easier, but they are not the cause. Most mass shootings are either a difficult to detect form of domestic terrorism enacted by radicalized individuals or a form of suicide enacted by individuals who want the world to feel their absence in the most horrible way possible. Some even suggest that people who would have been serial killers in the past but can no longer escape from modern law enforcement methods turn to mass shootings to satisfy their bloodlust. These things happen in other countries too, even those without guns, but to a much lesser degree.
There's also been a rash in the news lately of people shooting others for the crime of being strangers knocking on their doors or accidentally wandering into their yards. Weirdly enough I think this is probably one of the better indicators of what is really going on. Americans are increasingly alienated from one another and are taught by the various media and social cults we inhabit that outsiders are the enemy out to hurt us. The part unspoken here is that if they want to hurt us, it's okay to hurt them first. Put that kind of increasingly severe mental virus in a country with a lot of firearms and you're going to see a lot of people get killed for no reason.
It's always a bit of a copout to say that the solution to some grave social ill is for people to simply behave better, because it's entirely unenforceable and probably subjective. But understanding that alienation and its cost would go a long way toward mitigating our problem of violence in this country. People are less likely to use violence on someone they feel a connection towards, whether for profit, revenge, or fear. A person who is part of a community is less likely to commit crimes against it, become radicalized, or seek to end their own lives. This doesn't mean some sort of mass conformity so much as understanding to a greater degree that we're all in this together, and, differences and all, we're all we've got.
Fantastic points! I agree with a lot of this and am glad these ideas are now here to complement the original article, and in a much more eloquent form than I would have hammered them out haha
No doubt alienation from one another due to the deliberate fracturing of our society is a root cause. . But. There is no doubt the sheer number of guns affects this bloodbath we are witnessing.
As I commented above, I agree that alienation plays a role in this issue, along with other complex factors from economics and culture, to policing and prosecutorial decisions.
As I wrote an entire article about above, I completely disagree that the number of guns is an issue. (We need more people armed, not less.) Though I am sure your view is genuine and well-intentioned, I find that it is a myopic, reductivist take that leads to tyranny in the macro and even more suffering among the most vulnerable citizens in the micro. If you do not find anything I wrote or cited in my post compelling, then I suspect we are simply not going to agree on this one, Pat ;)
Nonetheless, I appreciate you taking time to read over the article and share your thoughts, and wish you all the best!
I fear that the anti-2A cadre will never listen, but you made excellent points with REFERENCES ✔️ for anyone open to a discussion of liberty and personal responsibility. The historical use of 'gun control' enforcement to restrict the safety and liberty of any 'undesirable' group or ethnicity TRULY needs more airplay than it gets!
I appreicate that. I sadly concur that some people will not have eyes to see or ears to hear the the truth (due to cognitive dissonance, programming, desire to believe something etc).
But I also believe there are well intentioned people who have not heard a lot of this info, presented in this manner, and with an understanding that especially if they consider themselves "Left" or "Liberal" or "Progressive" for social issues or civil rights then they absolutley, 100% should support 2A and reject anti-gun regulations that are now, and always have been, rooted in discrimination and the kind of unjust power structures they claim to be fighting.
Thank you, my friend! I sincerely appreicate it. I think this is such a vital issue, but a lot of the arguments were just kind of preaching to the choir. I wanted to help make in roads with the other side, so to speak. So I tried very hard to explain it and frame through their lens--and largely with their sources--so I could help the anti-2A crowd see both the logic, practicality, and the empathy in our position. Feel free to share this out, and let's see if we can't help more people get on board the Liberty Train!
I just did a quick search, and I will definitely look into this further. Looks interesting.
From at least the MK Ultra, Operation Northwoods/Mongoose days to Ray Epps and Reichstag Fire 2.0--erm, I mean "dA JAn SikS INsEreCtiON!!@!bAD MAgA BAdBaDBAd", one miiiiight conceivably posit (not me, of course, I love Big Brother!) that we can scarcely overstate the role of state actors and TBMC in any number of "occurrences" over the years that have been appallingly weaponized by sociopathic elites (and pushed by our Operation Mockingbird media and uncritically accepted by a credulous populace...) in a P-R-S scheme to advance some Orwellian/Machiavellian agenda. If true, this, of course, would further annihilate the already absurd, grotesque use of mass shootings as an excuse to disarm the law-abiding citizenry.
But a bit of inside baseball! Though I think that could be a very interesting discussion to have (or for someone else to have since who wants to get Alex Jones'd for doing that!), I wrote this article for a very specific reason: to appeal to the modern liberal/Dem.
The modern liberal/Dem loves and trusts the three-letter agencies (yet hates the police) and loves and trusts Big Brother/Nanny State (yet hates "fascism"), and I did not think they were generally going to be receptive to an anti-authoritarian appeal for gun rights, however valid it may be. After exhaustive research and debate participation, I realized that there was a very legitimate angle--not pandering or deceptive, just focused--that could be used to appeal to them within their framework. And it was not being discussed... at all.
That, of course, being "Racism! Bigotry! Phobia!" The Lib/Dem is obsessed with those topics--again whatever you think of their relative importance today--and "gun control" is legitimately, historically, demonstrably one of the most actually systemically racist and patriarchal/white supremacist initiatives we've ever seen in postbellum America.
I truly believe (as our Founding Fathers did) that the 2A is absolutely vital and fundamental to a free and strong nation. And I truly believe that it benefits even the people today who are misguidedly arguing for its dissolution (all for reasons explicated in the article). So, it is my hope that this can be shared far and wide, particularly to the very people most vehemently denouncing the 2A, in the hope that it can be a bit of a "silver bullet," to coin a phrase, in penetrating the Party pablum and helping people understand they are diametrically at odds with their own professed value system when they fight to disarm their fellow citizens, especially considering mounting issues with policing/police funding and surging terrorism across the globe. I know people will say, "When has blatant hypocrisy ever mattered before with these unprincipled people!? It doesn't matter!" And, yes, that is certainly true for many of the Woke Cultists and Uniparty NPCs, but I still believe there are many people who are either independently-minded enough to be open to a fresh perspective, or who simply haven't been presented this information in this way before. As Pope said, "Hope springs eternal in the human breast." Well, that's enough diatribing for today haha
When I began to "break [TBMC] programming" in metro Arizona nearly 20 years ago, my USAF/DoD/NASA "handlers" apparently decided to "script" a Gladio C/media circus/"suicide" by Cop GRAND Finale for me courtesy of the (nearly exclusively mormon) local Mesa PD (nearly certainly the SWAT "brethren".) It was REPLETE with masonic symbolism: for THREE days, "they" blocked off my neighborhood and BOTH entrances into my apartment complex while THREE [undercover Mesa/Maricopa County SWAT???] "city workers" worked on cleaning up THREE trees that had "blown down.." "They" even got the neighbor IMMEDIATELY underneath my apartment in on it. She would ask me "THE SCRIPT" EVERY single time she saw me for those entire 3 days! "Did you see the THREE workers cutting up those THREE trees?" Fuck tha' Mesa police in their stupid, mormon, hiram abiff asses! I refused to "trigger" for ALL 3 days (and ultimately for VERY much longer). My "Gladio C" experiences back in Mesa, AZ have since helped me to recognize VERY similar "shenanigans" in the Mockingbird media since those 3 days..
As I said, it has been nearly 20 years since I became SELF-AWARE that I had been subjected to TBMCP by US government linked persons and organizations (and that is a HUGE step towards resisting/coping/"healing" the programming.) Unfortunately, some horrors you just CANNOT "unsee" (and I have likely seen/experienced over 50 percent of THAT kind). Being killed by them at least twice has served to give me a cosmic/universal perspective on all the abuse though. How could pitiful, bullied, (satanically/demonically-influenced), damaged "inner children" act in any other manner? It is what they were lifelong (and usually GENERATIONALLY PROGRAMMED to do)! But yes, it is a daily (sometimes down to the minute) struggle, but self-awareness is well over half of these battles. Thank you for your concern and wishes!
This "reality" is wilder than most people ever even entertain. It reminds me of that great line in Hamlet: "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
I certainly wish you well. With all of the TMBC and psy-ops being rolled out on the whole population, have you considered writing a guide on how to resist, cope, and heal for the masses? I've checked out your Sub and seen you candidly discuss your experiences, but didn't see anything like that per se. Forgive me if I missed it, but it might be able to help a lot of the victims of this stuff out there. I applaud you for not succumbing to darkness and persevering in finding hope, healing, and light. Regardless, all the best to you, and God bless!
I just discovered her tonight, and have only listened to part of her 1 interviews so far, but Amysayswtf has been SPOT ON so far! Looking at her subject matter, she clearly "gets it," and I am in the process of converting her videos into MP3's to listen to on the road and at work. Here are her videos:
I really don't think it was an accident that I discovered Amy Hunter's WELL-researched work on Oct 30th-right in the middle of the "satanist high holy days" , halloween, through the satanic revels on Nov 4. I believe that my "psi" abilities/Theta programming led me to make that discovery in these perilous (esp. to survivors) and INSANE (globally/in Gaza) times..
I've definitely thought this as well growing up, especially talking with my very Greek-Orthodox yiayia and my Jewish friends' grandparents haha. I think Patris is right that there are maaaaany similarities :D
Indeed! Besides our reputation for being the bearers of dubious gifts, I suspect being *very* opinionated has to be up there on the list of Greek traits haha
Heck, one of our greatest philosophers had so many opinions we made him drink hemlock just to shut him up!
I can’t agree. Though being raised believing in constructive conflict at the table every night, I don’t mind engaging. On the topic of guns I’m not going to be moved though I can accept anyone who welcomes readers in Greek, a language I was raised speaking. Να είσαι καλά.
"Constructive conflict at the table" is something I was raised with as well, so I can certainly respect your perspective there. Zeus knows it can be tough in this milieu to remember that it's OK to engage with people, and that, at the end of the day, intelligent, well-intentioned individuals can indeed still disagree on some things haha
And it is cool to see another Hellene here in Cyberspace! Να σαι καλά.
Speaking as a lefty who is perhaps more neutral on guns than many of my brethren, I have some thoughts about this. I personally dislike the idea of taking stuff away from law-abiding citizens because of the actions of guilty people. That said, even putting aside the recent mass-shooting craze, we have a problem in this country with gun violence that simply doesn't exist anywhere else in the developed world. Certainly that's true in countries where guns are illegal or more highly restricted, but even countries where guns are more legal and prevalent, we're still leaps and bounds above them. So what does that suggest? To me, guns may exacerbate the problem but they are not the source. Much gun violence relates to crime, both random and organized, and we tend to have much more of that than most developed nations too. I'm no expert on where crime comes from, but I would say these aspects are linked.
As for mass shootings and such, I would again say that guns might make them easier, but they are not the cause. Most mass shootings are either a difficult to detect form of domestic terrorism enacted by radicalized individuals or a form of suicide enacted by individuals who want the world to feel their absence in the most horrible way possible. Some even suggest that people who would have been serial killers in the past but can no longer escape from modern law enforcement methods turn to mass shootings to satisfy their bloodlust. These things happen in other countries too, even those without guns, but to a much lesser degree.
There's also been a rash in the news lately of people shooting others for the crime of being strangers knocking on their doors or accidentally wandering into their yards. Weirdly enough I think this is probably one of the better indicators of what is really going on. Americans are increasingly alienated from one another and are taught by the various media and social cults we inhabit that outsiders are the enemy out to hurt us. The part unspoken here is that if they want to hurt us, it's okay to hurt them first. Put that kind of increasingly severe mental virus in a country with a lot of firearms and you're going to see a lot of people get killed for no reason.
It's always a bit of a copout to say that the solution to some grave social ill is for people to simply behave better, because it's entirely unenforceable and probably subjective. But understanding that alienation and its cost would go a long way toward mitigating our problem of violence in this country. People are less likely to use violence on someone they feel a connection towards, whether for profit, revenge, or fear. A person who is part of a community is less likely to commit crimes against it, become radicalized, or seek to end their own lives. This doesn't mean some sort of mass conformity so much as understanding to a greater degree that we're all in this together, and, differences and all, we're all we've got.
Deep, great points 👏 May the Creator Bless you this day🙏🌎
Thank you so much! May the Creator bless you as well.
Fantastic points! I agree with a lot of this and am glad these ideas are now here to complement the original article, and in a much more eloquent form than I would have hammered them out haha
No doubt alienation from one another due to the deliberate fracturing of our society is a root cause. . But. There is no doubt the sheer number of guns affects this bloodbath we are witnessing.
As I commented above, I agree that alienation plays a role in this issue, along with other complex factors from economics and culture, to policing and prosecutorial decisions.
As I wrote an entire article about above, I completely disagree that the number of guns is an issue. (We need more people armed, not less.) Though I am sure your view is genuine and well-intentioned, I find that it is a myopic, reductivist take that leads to tyranny in the macro and even more suffering among the most vulnerable citizens in the micro. If you do not find anything I wrote or cited in my post compelling, then I suspect we are simply not going to agree on this one, Pat ;)
Nonetheless, I appreciate you taking time to read over the article and share your thoughts, and wish you all the best!
I fear that the anti-2A cadre will never listen, but you made excellent points with REFERENCES ✔️ for anyone open to a discussion of liberty and personal responsibility. The historical use of 'gun control' enforcement to restrict the safety and liberty of any 'undesirable' group or ethnicity TRULY needs more airplay than it gets!
I appreicate that. I sadly concur that some people will not have eyes to see or ears to hear the the truth (due to cognitive dissonance, programming, desire to believe something etc).
But I also believe there are well intentioned people who have not heard a lot of this info, presented in this manner, and with an understanding that especially if they consider themselves "Left" or "Liberal" or "Progressive" for social issues or civil rights then they absolutley, 100% should support 2A and reject anti-gun regulations that are now, and always have been, rooted in discrimination and the kind of unjust power structures they claim to be fighting.
Grace and Peace to you Amigo!
Σοφία Χάρης Αγάπη Δόξα ☦️🇺🇲
You want to help and empower and uplift margiznalized or disenfranchised groups? Get 'em guns. :)
🇺🇲 Excellent support of Liberty!🗽
Well done Amigo, well done....
Thank you, my friend! I sincerely appreicate it. I think this is such a vital issue, but a lot of the arguments were just kind of preaching to the choir. I wanted to help make in roads with the other side, so to speak. So I tried very hard to explain it and frame through their lens--and largely with their sources--so I could help the anti-2A crowd see both the logic, practicality, and the empathy in our position. Feel free to share this out, and let's see if we can't help more people get on board the Liberty Train!
On mass/"active" shootings do some research Into (Operation) Gladio C..
I just did a quick search, and I will definitely look into this further. Looks interesting.
From at least the MK Ultra, Operation Northwoods/Mongoose days to Ray Epps and Reichstag Fire 2.0--erm, I mean "dA JAn SikS INsEreCtiON!!@!bAD MAgA BAdBaDBAd", one miiiiight conceivably posit (not me, of course, I love Big Brother!) that we can scarcely overstate the role of state actors and TBMC in any number of "occurrences" over the years that have been appallingly weaponized by sociopathic elites (and pushed by our Operation Mockingbird media and uncritically accepted by a credulous populace...) in a P-R-S scheme to advance some Orwellian/Machiavellian agenda. If true, this, of course, would further annihilate the already absurd, grotesque use of mass shootings as an excuse to disarm the law-abiding citizenry.
But a bit of inside baseball! Though I think that could be a very interesting discussion to have (or for someone else to have since who wants to get Alex Jones'd for doing that!), I wrote this article for a very specific reason: to appeal to the modern liberal/Dem.
The modern liberal/Dem loves and trusts the three-letter agencies (yet hates the police) and loves and trusts Big Brother/Nanny State (yet hates "fascism"), and I did not think they were generally going to be receptive to an anti-authoritarian appeal for gun rights, however valid it may be. After exhaustive research and debate participation, I realized that there was a very legitimate angle--not pandering or deceptive, just focused--that could be used to appeal to them within their framework. And it was not being discussed... at all.
That, of course, being "Racism! Bigotry! Phobia!" The Lib/Dem is obsessed with those topics--again whatever you think of their relative importance today--and "gun control" is legitimately, historically, demonstrably one of the most actually systemically racist and patriarchal/white supremacist initiatives we've ever seen in postbellum America.
I truly believe (as our Founding Fathers did) that the 2A is absolutely vital and fundamental to a free and strong nation. And I truly believe that it benefits even the people today who are misguidedly arguing for its dissolution (all for reasons explicated in the article). So, it is my hope that this can be shared far and wide, particularly to the very people most vehemently denouncing the 2A, in the hope that it can be a bit of a "silver bullet," to coin a phrase, in penetrating the Party pablum and helping people understand they are diametrically at odds with their own professed value system when they fight to disarm their fellow citizens, especially considering mounting issues with policing/police funding and surging terrorism across the globe. I know people will say, "When has blatant hypocrisy ever mattered before with these unprincipled people!? It doesn't matter!" And, yes, that is certainly true for many of the Woke Cultists and Uniparty NPCs, but I still believe there are many people who are either independently-minded enough to be open to a fresh perspective, or who simply haven't been presented this information in this way before. As Pope said, "Hope springs eternal in the human breast." Well, that's enough diatribing for today haha
And just like the Mel Gibson character pointed out, I DO have THREE names on my birth certificate..
When I began to "break [TBMC] programming" in metro Arizona nearly 20 years ago, my USAF/DoD/NASA "handlers" apparently decided to "script" a Gladio C/media circus/"suicide" by Cop GRAND Finale for me courtesy of the (nearly exclusively mormon) local Mesa PD (nearly certainly the SWAT "brethren".) It was REPLETE with masonic symbolism: for THREE days, "they" blocked off my neighborhood and BOTH entrances into my apartment complex while THREE [undercover Mesa/Maricopa County SWAT???] "city workers" worked on cleaning up THREE trees that had "blown down.." "They" even got the neighbor IMMEDIATELY underneath my apartment in on it. She would ask me "THE SCRIPT" EVERY single time she saw me for those entire 3 days! "Did you see the THREE workers cutting up those THREE trees?" Fuck tha' Mesa police in their stupid, mormon, hiram abiff asses! I refused to "trigger" for ALL 3 days (and ultimately for VERY much longer). My "Gladio C" experiences back in Mesa, AZ have since helped me to recognize VERY similar "shenanigans" in the Mockingbird media since those 3 days..
It sounds like you sure have been through a lot, to put it lightly. I certainly hope that is all behind you and you are doing better now!
As I said, it has been nearly 20 years since I became SELF-AWARE that I had been subjected to TBMCP by US government linked persons and organizations (and that is a HUGE step towards resisting/coping/"healing" the programming.) Unfortunately, some horrors you just CANNOT "unsee" (and I have likely seen/experienced over 50 percent of THAT kind). Being killed by them at least twice has served to give me a cosmic/universal perspective on all the abuse though. How could pitiful, bullied, (satanically/demonically-influenced), damaged "inner children" act in any other manner? It is what they were lifelong (and usually GENERATIONALLY PROGRAMMED to do)! But yes, it is a daily (sometimes down to the minute) struggle, but self-awareness is well over half of these battles. Thank you for your concern and wishes!
This "reality" is wilder than most people ever even entertain. It reminds me of that great line in Hamlet: "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
I certainly wish you well. With all of the TMBC and psy-ops being rolled out on the whole population, have you considered writing a guide on how to resist, cope, and heal for the masses? I've checked out your Sub and seen you candidly discuss your experiences, but didn't see anything like that per se. Forgive me if I missed it, but it might be able to help a lot of the victims of this stuff out there. I applaud you for not succumbing to darkness and persevering in finding hope, healing, and light. Regardless, all the best to you, and God bless!
I just discovered her tonight, and have only listened to part of her 1 interviews so far, but Amysayswtf has been SPOT ON so far! Looking at her subject matter, she clearly "gets it," and I am in the process of converting her videos into MP3's to listen to on the road and at work. Here are her videos:
I really don't think it was an accident that I discovered Amy Hunter's WELL-researched work on Oct 30th-right in the middle of the "satanist high holy days" , halloween, through the satanic revels on Nov 4. I believe that my "psi" abilities/Theta programming led me to make that discovery in these perilous (esp. to survivors) and INSANE (globally/in Gaza) times..
You’ve no idea.
No lie. My dad once told me, get 4 Greeks together, you get 5 opinions!
Very pithily put. "Laconic," even, to sneak in a Spartan reference.
It sounds like he was quite the philosopher himself!
Lol we say the same things of us jews
One of many characteristics we have in common, I know xx
I've definitely thought this as well growing up, especially talking with my very Greek-Orthodox yiayia and my Jewish friends' grandparents haha. I think Patris is right that there are maaaaany similarities :D
A Greek and a Jew walk into a bar.....😉
And we argue if the drink was mixed correctly..
Ouzo vs. Arak haha
There are afew of us — all opinionated - who would have guessed?? Ζήτω Ελλάς
Indeed! Besides our reputation for being the bearers of dubious gifts, I suspect being *very* opinionated has to be up there on the list of Greek traits haha
Heck, one of our greatest philosophers had so many opinions we made him drink hemlock just to shut him up!
I can’t agree. Though being raised believing in constructive conflict at the table every night, I don’t mind engaging. On the topic of guns I’m not going to be moved though I can accept anyone who welcomes readers in Greek, a language I was raised speaking. Να είσαι καλά.
"Constructive conflict at the table" is something I was raised with as well, so I can certainly respect your perspective there. Zeus knows it can be tough in this milieu to remember that it's OK to engage with people, and that, at the end of the day, intelligent, well-intentioned individuals can indeed still disagree on some things haha
And it is cool to see another Hellene here in Cyberspace! Να σαι καλά.
Theory vs. reality. Are you ou living in an American city?