I probably agree with 98% of what CJ writes... but he most definitely has a bee in his bonnet about Elon M. As he does with Prof. M Desmet. The way I see it... Twitter is slightly better under Musk, than not under Musk... which isn't really saying much anyway. The whole social media pond is pretty much chockablock full of corporate billionaire mucky-muck!

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I like a lot of what I've seen from CJ so far as well. This was just one topic where I thought that bee in his bonnet (such a great idiom) got the better of him haha. We all have topics like that I suppose, myself included. I didn't know he had it out for Desmet too. I saw Desmet on a couple shows, like Bret Weinstein's Dark Horse Pod, and was very impressed with him.

I've recently tried to avoid taking Manichean stances on people or expecting miracles, and tried instead to make more pragmatic assessments of their abilities and achievements in context. As you point out in your comment (and I allude to in my article) perhaps that will mean damning with faint praise to some, but if I'm being candid we live in such desperate and dystopic times that I am indeed inclined to take any wins where I can get em. Not saying that means we settle for that or deify whomever brought it, but now is not the time for needless internecine strife or Purity Tests among us thinky-thinkers, as I see it.

Hell, even if Elon turns out to be a baddie and this is a ruse, we can still capitalize on the hubris and build on whatever sliver of liberty they've condescendingly ceded back to us, and keep it moving. We don't have to glom on to him or Trump or whomever as The Chosen One Super Savior and just wait for them save us haha, so I understand CJ chafing at that. But letting that indignation obfuscate the upsides, or letting perfect be the enemy of good, is not productive in my mind. We can't afford to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

As I say in my articles, I do think Musk is a significant improvement over the Minitrue social media blob before he showed up, but I concur it was soooooo bad and also that social media is mess overall and largely just a tool for our global fascist overlords. Even if it is triple-agent 5D chess, Musk is still getting a lot of people to start thinking, letting more people speak freely, and pissing off the right people (well, except for CJ haha). And if Musk really is some committed freedom fighting iconoclast who found his way into the Big Boy Club, then we really cant afford to pillory the guy for not necessarily going about it exactly as we'd like.

Though your phrasing is way better haha! "chockablock full of corporate billionaire mucky-muck!" It makes me think how they'd advertise social media if it was a kid's breakfast cereal with a cute little blue bird mascot and blue bird mashmallows in it haha

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Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD . . . Elon Musk is a Scumbag - The Ultimate Agent of Government Censorship . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KOXvsmQvTQ

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"Where did this jello-ness take place?" is an awesome phrase in there haha

Doc makes some good points I support, but as I've elaborated ad nauseum here and elsewhere, I disagree with some his conclusions concerning how we should regard Elon.

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Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD . . . Elon Musk is a Scumbag - The Ultimate Agent of Government Censorship . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KOXvsmQvTQ

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