Great piece! I love the tie in to comics, a chronically underestimated art form.

I wonder what is to be done? For my part, I know to stay the course at my little out of the way high school and keep hammering the importance of independent thinking.

Courage folks, as dark times are ahead.

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Thank you kindly! I really appreciate it, and like I said you and Koshmarov helped inspire these last couple of posts, so thank you for that as well. Comics are indeed fascinating. I've always cottoned to the testimonial in the first Invisibles TPB:

"The great thing about comics is that young upstarts regularly pop up to toss the whole greasy mess in the air and remind a new generation of readers that you should never underestimate the profundity of a trash medium. "

And I think you staying the course in your school and hammering home that old-time critical thinking may be one of the most important things any of us could ever do! Rare is the person with the intelligence, wisdom, and courage to be able to do such a vital thing nowadays; your school and your students are blessed to have you there. Keep on fightin' the good fight!

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Man, somebody else read Seven Soldiers. I note that Grant Morrison is now a "they." They can do what they want to do, of course; that's their right and I still respect their work.

I am grateful for the shout-out but I am much more of a philosopher-hovel-dwelling-ragpicker than a philosopher-king.

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Yeah, Seven Soldiers was a great story. I LOVE Grant's work. Invisibles literally changed my life haha

But yeah, him claiming to be They kinda bums me out in one way, but is hysterical to me in another because for most people who are either jumping on--or being dragged on--to the runaway Transanity Bandwagon, that lunacy is clearly at complete odds with their professed "TRuSt DuH SciENce!" dogma, and it is also clearly the *most* interesting thing about their otherwise gray, glum brutalist existence.

For Graaaaaant, however, there is no such thing as an objective reality, let alone an iron prison of modern secular materialism--this is all a protean holographic solipsistic magik consiousness simulation--and the idea that he isn't a man is the *least* interesting thing about his psychedelic machine elf existence lol

Holy shit, I just realized you can make a great case for the Woke Anti-Life Cult to be analogous--even syncretic--with The Outer Church in The Invisbles! How deep does this rabbit hole go!?!

And, hey if you cant be a philosopher king, that certainly is the next best thing. For as Alexander the Great himself proclaimed: "If I were not Alexander, I wish I were Diogenes."

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Absorbing on so many levels. Must re-read and though I suspect comments might not matter I’ll get back to it.

Comics are both art and literature.

They have been for quite a while.

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Thank you very much for taking the time to give this a read and for sharing your kind comment. I very much agree with your view on comics.

As for comments, they most certainly do matter, especially when coming from a fellow Helene and Contemplator of Things such as yourself. I'd love to hear your thoughts!

I always try (and sometimes even succeed!) to follow Kipling's sagacious advice in "If--"

"If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,

If all men count with you, but none too much..."

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Free will is all we have. and it will be what saves us.

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I appreciated your explanation of Omega Good and Omega Bad. I’ve often wondered how they seem to maneuver around mental gymnastics that should result in severe cognitive dissonance. Instead, they seem like the punching toys we had in my (long ago) childhood: no matter how you hit it, it would bounce right back up as if nothing happened.

I wonder how brains got infected with this cult. My husband and I were both educated from K-12 in schools where indoctrination was part of the menu. The indoctrination didn’t “take” for either of us. Even our young brains rebelled and refused to buy in to things that just didn’t seem to make sense. How has today’s education system managed to short-circuit the common sense gene that I believe most kids have?

And I also can’t imagine why anyone would want to do this. For power and control? Who would want power and control over a society in ruins?

Thanks for an excellent article.

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Thank you very much for the read and for the kind words! I am glad to hear you enjoyed the article and that the analysis of the "Omega" variables proved worthwhile. It had really puzzled me too, and honestly working through this article really helped me to make sense of a lot of disparate theories I'd had bouncing around my pop culture-addled brain haha, so I'm overjoyed if those observations are of interest to others.

I had one of those inflatable punching toys when I was a kid as well haha! Mine had Rocky on one side and Clubber Lang on the other; I kid you not. I loved that thing. And that is a great analogy. The indefatigable zeal these cultists exhibit, completely impervious to any reason or empathy, is truly astonishing, terrifying, and exhausting. If I can be forgiven the solecism, I actually wrote anooother article taking a closer look at how this infection spread that I think you might find intriguing. Again, I'd love to hear your thoughts on what I may have gotten right... or wrong in the analysis: https://honestlyre.substack.com/p/do-your-own-research

And finally, you asked two the questions that still haunt me too! 1) Why were some people infected, and others seemingly immune? As you rightly point out, even if exposed to many of the same "contagions," the outcomes still differed. I have some theories about this too, but it is one of the most important things I think we need to examine. And 2) Why would anyone orchestrate such a horrific series of events? I am no longer as fast to dismiss people who posit that the real eminence gris here could be something essentially supernatural, but even sticking to more mundane explanations: power and control seem like frontrunners to me. Even if society at large is in ruins, our "Elites" are snuggled safely away in their palaces and bunkers and mansions and private islands, as we saw during the months of inner city rioting they stoked from their ivory towers. They don't care. And plus, it could be that as ol' Alfred taught us: "Some people just want to watch the world burn, Master Wayne."

I am not sure, but these are definitely important things to ponder... and possible articles for the future!

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Wow! You put a lot of thought into your post! We are experiencing a dark period. A lot of demons are hard at work. But at the same time so is the light. The divine light. Through all of us light workers who spread the truth and connect with one another spiritually and in communion. 🤗✨

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Thank you so much for the gracious comment, Charlotte!

I do try to think these things through as best I can, perhaps a bit *too* much depending on whom you ask haha. I completely agree about our situation; that was beautifully put. I find myself coming back to the idea that "we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." ... to coin a phrase. Plus, I think it sounds cool, kinda like Jules and his favorite verse in Pulp Fiction :D

It is easy to despair in darkness, but you are quite right that if we defend truth and light together, we can--and will--triumph! I look forward to reading more about your fascinating adventures on Substack, and wish you all the best!

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Last week our town was heavily sprayed with chemtrails. Very depressing. But this weekend gorgeous, gorgeous skies above! ✨🙏♥️Reminded me God is still in control.

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Very true! I've noticed some crazy chemtrails where I live as well, but nobody else seems to care or even notice. No one looks up anymore.

But the blue skies remain! The world has seen great trial and tribulation many times in the past, and we're still here ha, and--more importantly--as you point out, God is still here (well, everywhere I guess given the whole "omnipresent" thing) and still in control. I'm praying God guides us to greener pastures and quieter waters 🙏🌄

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God is the author and owner of miracles. ✨🙏✨

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Amen to that!

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I’m loving this article so far, but I think the word is “stent,” not “stint.”

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It totally is! And I've actually fixed that in a separate, forthcoming article, but apparently I never went back to update this one haha. It is now fixed as well; thank you so much for pointing that out.

I'm glad you're enjoying the article so far, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts (and any other helpful edits!) once you're done reading.

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I think it’s in your blood regardless of when you came across it.

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Like midi-chlorians!

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I know those words. My father quoted them to us.

Yes, let’s exchange thoughts. I would like that very much.

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Exactly as Kipling would have wanted! From what you've mentioned of your father, he surely seems like a wonderful person and parent. : )

I wish I'd come across that poem much earlier in life to be honest haha

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