Six Takeways from Twitter's Hunter Biden "Revelations"
"Tonight, I'm cleaning out my closet." ♪
Elon Musk has apparently cracked open a beer, put some Eminem on the stereo, and taken to cleaning out Twitter’s closet, figuratively and literally. The current focus of this process is a peek behind the curtain regarding what transpired at Twitter HQ during their pernicious suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story in those frantic days leading up to the U.S. 2020 presidential election.
Here are my key takeaways from the “revelations” so far:
This is no “revelation” to anyone with a shred of objectivity and at least a room temperature IQ who had been paying attention as this was unfolding in real-time back in October of 2020. I still have a text message from one friend at the time who called the Hunter Biden laptop story a “nothing burger.” Several others quickly reached for the bottle of “Russian Disinfo!™” that the Dem faithful had already been using as some mystical panacea ala Windex™ or ’Tussin. This was either woeful or willful ignorance on their part. Either way, it’s horrible, and I swear some of these goobers still won’t wake up. Heck, Glenn Greenwald resigned from The Intercept (an outlet he co-founded!) over their censorship of the Biden laptop story… back in October of 2020! [Editor’s Note: Yes, this is so upsetting to me I had to use two exclamation points in a single sentence. I’m sorry.]
These records would never have come to light if Elon Musk had not purchased Twitter. This makes my past, prescient article on Elon and Twitter look even better! Thanks, muses.
This is only the tip of the iceberg at Twitter. And we know that, from Fakebook to NPR (aka “NPRU Sure U Want to Waste Ur Tax Money?”), virtually every major Big Tech and Dem Shill MSM Outlet intentionally buried this story, apparently in some cases under implied threat from Deep State goons with all the subtlety of mafiosos offering “protection” and “friendly advice” while loudly tapping a baseball bat against the palm of their hand.
This cover-up alone likely lost Trump the election. That is to say nothing of the countless other issues with the 2020 election, e.g., constitutional violations, voting machines, mail-in ballots, mules, and the years of media manipulation deceptively covering for Joe Biden and lying to vilify Donald Trump… you know, all the things the “Save Our Democracy™ by Rigging the Vote!” crowd bragged about in that infamous Time article. This was the most corrupt, fraudulent election in American history, as far as I can tell, and that is really saying something. Just ask LBJ! Also, this all makes my past, perspicacious article on media manipulation look even better! Thanks, muses.
This indicts Joe Biden. Not just Hunter—who is clearly a repugnant reprobate who should spend the rest of his disgusting life behind bars—but also the blessed Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., “The Big Guy” himself, whom we now know lied about his involvement in his degenerate son’s power-peddling business dealings. The authoritarian bootlicker battle cry of “Welp, glad I don’t have to vote for Hunter Biden! Deerrp durr durrr!” is just the latest, sad cope from those brainwashed cultists.
This indicts the dreaded “Uniparty.” For example, it seems to me Ro Khanna (D), while admitting his obvious Democrat bias, still did more to at least pushback on Twitter against their odious censorship than many establishment “Republicans” did. We now know that these censorship tools were theoretically available to both parties, but of course when Twitter staff is overwhelmingly Democrat Party NPCs (and potentially had the same goons as Zuck did knocking on their door), the reality of that availability is far different. That said, how many Neocons and Never-Trumpers slept like babies even when Big Tech colluded with our Dystopian Deep State in an unprecedented move to memory hole this vital story… and later went so far as to deplatform the sitting, duly-elected President of the United States? And how many of them wouldn’t be ecstatic to wield this power against their political opposition too?

We are in real trouble. The ol’ U.S. of A. is clearly run by monsters, gestapo types, and apparatchiks who lie, cheat, and steal with impunity. What’s worse: there is a non-trivial portion of the general population who is lovin’ it, and not only defending their oppressors, but clamoring for more beatings as they rush to vote a few more times for Kathy “Kids Love Masks!” Hochul or light a few more St. Fauci of Mengele votive candles. Still, the rise of some alt-tech platforms and personalities, and the recent actions of Elon Musk, provide some hope. Speaking of which, a huge congratulations to Substack’s own
for getting the nod to bring this story to the people. Journalists like him and—who’ve both miraculously retained their integrity, curiosity, and healthy disdain for corrupt authoritarian assholes of all stripes during this time of great tribal tribulation—have given me hope. We are going to need to support what people like them (and Elon) are doing here and continue to work sedulously to topple the Ministry of Truth, as well as expose and replace the corrupt megalomaniacs who run it.