Dr. Cornel West Runs Against Biden; Media Suddenly Realizes He is a Far-Right Extremist
Another one bites the dust ♫
Another one has, indeed, bitten the dust. This time it is the venerable Dr. Cornel West. No, thankfully, he has not shuffled off this mortal coil; he has instead joined the exodus from the Fascist Democrat Party and decided to launch his own presidential campaign with the People’s Party.
Submitted for your approval, here are three (hopefully) novel things that struck me when viewing the ripples from him cannonballing off of the Democrat Titanic.
1) However predictable, it is still always stunning to watch the the Party immediately run to the same tired, unhinged attack lines when someone dares to defy their Orthodoxy. In this case, MSNBC actually ran the headline—make sure you are sitting down for this one, seriously, it’s bad—”Cornel West’s ‘leftist’ presidential bid has right-wing DNA.” Those scare quotes around “leftist!” Ummm-UM! Chef’s kiss!
You have to read that article yourself to understand the sheer Lovecraftian horror and madness contained therein. (Don’t worry; I archived the link so MSNBC doesn’t actually get into double-digit clicks this month.) At this point, I really think your sanity would be safer flipping through the Necronomicon than reading anything from our Mockingbird Media. Just to give you a taste, the article comes out swinging with this mind-rending sentence: “Ostensibly leftist academic Cornel West launched his third-party presidential campaign the way any true progressive would — by promoting it on a podcast known to spread right-wing extremist conspiracy theories, hosted on a video platform popular among right-wing extremists, just weeks after having praised Florida’s right-wing extremist governor, Ron DeSantis.”
That is hysterical, absurd, sad, horrible, and infuriating all at once. Whether you like him or not, they are talking about CORNEL WEST! He is a lot of things, but “ostensibly leftist” is not one of them, especially when compared to globalist megacorp MSNBC. Dr. West is a proud, self-professed socialist and very vocal about his left-wing positions and about his opposition to many right-wing platforms and personages, like “ostensibly rightist” Donald Trump.
That article is so bad it could seriously dethrone the garbage LA Times’ legendary column titled—again, make sure you are seated—“Larry Elder is the Black face of white supremacy. You’ve been warned.” At least they capitalized “Black.” The final, ominous “You’ve been warned” in that one still takes the cake for me though. Another chef’s kiss!
As we’ve said before here, words mean nothing to these people. There is “Thing I Like,” and there is “Thing I Do Not Like.” In this Manichean schema words like “white supremacy,” “right-wing,” “Nazi,” and “mega MAGA macaroni” or whatever goofy terms they come up with all just mean “Thing I Do Not Like.” So, when Dr. West blasphemes he becomes “Thing I Do Not Like” and they fill in their Mad-Libs with the usual modular invectives accordingly. This is double-plus-ungood because some of those words they are abusing actually do have meanings. Important meanings. And they are losing those meanings through constant overuse and misuse. Sometimes this leads to actual doublespeak conundrums, like in the case of “fascist.” The Democrat Party is clearly definitionally fascist—they love fascism!—but they know the word conjures some, ahem, unfortunate connotations, so they falsely label their opposition fascist to attempt to slander them. It really is a brain-bending piece of linguistic and intellectual trickeration.
So, if West isn’t an evil, right-wing, mega MAGAtard now, then what in tarnation is going on here? Well, let me instead posit some characteristics that he (and many fleeing the Democrat Party) has that likely contributed to his decision. He is religious; he is anti-authoritarian; he is anti-war; he is pro-free speech; he is pro-equality. All of these positions are completely incompatible with the current Democrat Party.
2) Hell may have no fury like a woman scorned, but a close second has to be Shitlibs’ rage when they feel a black person has left their ideological plantation. Dr. West is just the latest such apostate to be deemed anathema.
The aforementioned Larry Elder, besides being branded the “Black face of white supremacy,” also was egged by a woman wearing a gorilla mask during his gubernatorial bid as a Republican in oh-so-tolerant California, and the Mainstream Media barely said a peep about it. It’s fine to be racist to people who you don’t like, you see! Heck, he’s basically white anyway, and white equals evil, so evil guy getting egged is a good thing! You have to love the logic. It is also amazing to watch rich, effete, white liberals decide who is a dreaded “race traitor” and who is a paragon of racial virtue.
Candace Owens, a black, conservative commentator with The Daily Wire and frontwoman for the Blexit Foundation, is also the target of constant attacks, from the bizarrely unfunny gibes of Dave Chapelle to the untold terabytes of text from online trolls brazenly referring to her as a “coon,” “sellout,” and an “Uncle Tom.” She doesn’t agree with you!? Guess she’s just another black face of white supremacy! After all, what could be more progressive and liberal than demeaning and shouting down a young black woman for expressing her opinion?
That last link is a real doozy because it is taken from political hack extraordinaire David Pakman’s subreddit—the digital Mos Eisley of Wokesters—so you know it is going to be a wretched hive of scum and villainy. The original poster there was asking what the black community thinks about Candace, and the replies are a deluge of mutants with zero self-awareness spilling their dinner of Dr. Pepper and Doritos all over their fat, sweaty bellies as they rush to ham-fist reply that: “I’m not Black, BUT Owens is a filthy coon and a white puppet racist grifter and if I ever met a Black person once in my life I KNOW they’d think so too if I asked them not that I would because that’d be scary.” OK, that’s not entirely accurate. Their grammar and spelling is far worse than that. At least they capitalized “Black.”
It is important to stress that this behavior is a fascinating facet of Woke virtue signaling. We all know that bravely putting The Current Thing in your social media bio is a common form of virtue signaling, but let us not forget that as important as it is to unquestioningly love The Current Good Thing, it is equally important to vociferously hate The Current Bad Thing, regardless of any previously professed principles because you don’t actually have any!
Fun bonus here: while researching this article I stumbled upon this delightful discussion between Candace and (the now fellow right-wing, according to MSM) Cornel West! What are they even going to debate since they are both such yuge right-wing, white supremacists!?
The list of people who have been treated thusly is quite long. For example, I am also reminded of Don Lemon and the Mob turning on Terry Crews the instant he expressed concerns about the direction of BLM, an appalling attack I referenced in my article about the dueling departures of Don and Tucker. But, for the sake of my trademark brevity, let’s just take a look at one more case.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been the bane of Democrats for decades. Being black and staunchly conservative has rendered him fair game for any and all insults, which we saw on full display around this time last year when the highest court in the land threw the regulation of baby-murder back to the states. As Clifton Duncan (another great read here on Substack) pointed out, the same Woke white cultists proudly posting “Hate has no home here" signs on their lawn were the same vile wretches running to Twitter to call Clarence Thomas “a nigger” the moment they heard his role in the Dobbs decision had helped overturn their precious Roe v. Wade. The ability for these people to instantly flip a switch and go from spamming #BLM one second to saying things like that about Thomas the next—all with this sickening, delusional, self-righteousness—honestly still leaves me flabbergasted and disgusted to this day.
It’s almost like those losers were always bigoted pieces of crap simply virtue signaling otherwise, while champing at the bit for the chance to devolve into mob-sanctioned, rabid, racist tirades once a Party-approved target was confirmed for them! As mentioned earlier: virtue signaling isn’t just about shouting first and loudest how much you support The Current Good Thing; it is also about shouting first and loudest how much you hate The Current Bad Thing. And Justice Thomas has spent more time than most as The Current Bad Thing.
That’s why we also have prominent black commentators like Joy Reid in the Party’s media apparatus casually referring to Justice Thomas as “Uncle Clarence,” so that’s swell too. This despite the fact that, as the brilliant Glenn Loury points out, Justice Thomas has his family origins in slavery and has lived through Jim Crow America.
It is almost like Malcom X was on to something when he observed: “The white liberal differs from the white conservative in one way. The liberal is more deceitful and hypocritical than the conservatives. Both want power. But, the white liberal has perfected the art of posing as the negro’s friend and benefactor.”
The behavior of the white liberal cultists here reminds me of the infamous “Fair Play” policy of another well known, yet less pernicious cult: our friends over at Scientology. It is all Kumbaya and Kente Cloths with Dems as long as you fall in line, but if you step out of line, it seems you may be “deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist Shitlib without any discipline of the Scientologist Shitlib. [You] May be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed.”
Usual disclaimer: I don’t care if you do think Owens is an obnoxious dolt or Thomas is a self-serving sleazebag Monsanto stooge. We can agree to disagree. And, yes, of course tribalism and racism infect other political parties as well. But, Dem cultists love bludgeoning their opposition with scurrilous accusation of bigotry, so one has to marvel at the insanity of these same cultists degenerating into Fairuza Balk in American History X the second a black person expresses an opinion they don’t like.
West is now especially loathsome to Shitlibs because he didn’t just blaspheme; he started a presidential run with a dastardly third party! Dear God, think of the children! Think of Our Sacred Democracy™! Vote for the lesser evil… or else! I mean, what if people actually get to vote for someone they respect and policies they like!? That sounds like fascism to me. For a precedent, we need only recall the meltdown many Dems had when the execrable Ralph Nader had the temerity to launch his own Green Party campaign in 2000 and potentially cost Albert “Negative Charisma” Gore his rightful place in the Oval Office by splitting the Democrat vote. West will find himself similarly branded an apostate for his transgression. Not that I think the good doctor cares, and I say good on him.
3) The Democrat Party is fucked. Proper fucked. They now have virtually zero organic support. They have successfully abandoned parents, the working class, anyone with a religion, anyone who likes the Constitution, rural Americans, classical liberals, actual progressives… you name it. Though I despise lumping people into racial voting groups, it does seem in keeping with the theme here to point out that the Dems are indeed losing Hispanic and black voters. And this is despite Joe Biden cordially reminding them that demonic Republicans like “Mittens” Romney would “put ya’ll back in chains” and that if they don’t vote blue he will personally revoke their blackness.
Listen up, Jack! Cool Guy Joe once fought a black dude named Corn Pop and his gang of bad dudes in a community pool parking lot armed with nothing but his trusty, rusty razor blade that he left in a rain barrel for just such an occasion, so black folks better take him serious! No malarkey now, you hear! (Really, nothing sums up the Democrat Party more aptly than a rich, old, corrupt, white guy threatening black people that they better vote for him… OR ELSE!)
The only demo Democrats still have is a dwindling subset of old white people who think that listening to NPR on the way to Starbucks makes them some sophisticated, counter-culture, Mensa member, unlike those filthy, fascist, Republican rubes CNN warned them about. Well, those people, and also crazy, young, blue-haired, quad-sexual, gender-fluid, rainbowkin, furry fatsoids and abortion-shouting, omega-wave feminists. And David Pakman. Now, those first two groups have much larger memberships than I care to admit, but I’m not convinced they can carry the corpse of the Democrat Party Weekend at Bernie’s-style much further, even with their requisite election rigging.
And to think, on their presidential primary stage a millennium ago in 2019, the Dems had two young, energetic, engaging, inspirational, up-and-coming (and Diverse™) candidates in Andrew Yang and Tulsi Gabbard. Both have since fled the Democrat Party, with my beloved Tulsi in particular nuking them from orbit on the way out. Whoops!
And to think! The Dems had a popular ol’ commie in Bernie Sanders (whom I still contend would have beaten Trump in 2016), yet they rigged two presidential primaries against him to push forward their cursed Clinton and Biden crime syndicates. Hillary got stomped by a real-estate-mogul-turned-game-show-host who eats burnt steak with ketchup, and now Biden’s polling has cratered worse than Chicxulub as he oversees the dismantling of America on his way to being the worst—and perhaps last—U.S. president. Whoops!
AND TO THINK! Even now, the Dems have RFK Jr., a surging candidate who miraculously weds the political pedigree of a Kennedy with an iconoclastic style that has earned him a growing following across partisan divides, and yet they are doing everything they can to torpedo his campaign so that they can once more foist Lich King Biden and Kackling Kamala onto the hapless populace! Whoops!
At every turn, the Democrat Party has chosen corruption and collusion over promising politicians who may have made genuine attempts to appeal to American voters. It is no wonder that even prominent voices across the Left are leaving in droves. Dr. Cornel West is just the latest to bite the dust, but given the madness and total lack of introspection in Democrat Land, he won’t be the last.
Edit: I forgot to include globalist megacorp military industrial complex WEF/Spectre/Hydra psychopaths as another demo the Democrats still appeal to. (And yes I know a lot of that can apply to the Uniparty, as it were, but that's a story for a different day...)
Great article! Well said! One thing I've said many times... today's left live with lies and hypocrisy as easily as falling back into a well worn beanbag! The truth means absolutely nothing to them! "Right-wing Extremist Conspiracy Theorist" = Anyone who questions the left.